Thursday 20 September 2012

Genre Research 3

The conventions for a music video in the indie-rock genre are listed below:

Click on image of the brainstorm below in order to enlarge:

Examples of each convention:
- Close-ups of band-members and their instruments, followed by long shots of the whole band, can be seen in 'If You Wanna' - The Vaccines:

- A narrative which cross-cuts to performance, can be seen in 'Tonight's The Kind of Night' - Noah and The Whale. This also shows the change in location that is seen in indie-rock videos:

- The low-key lighting convention is seen in 'Techo Fan' - The Wombats:

- The muted colours in this genre of music can be seen in 'Chocolate' - Snow Patrol:

- The smart, casual clothing conventions for the indie-rock genre is seen in 'Somebody Told Me' - The Killers:

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