The video opens with Katy Perry finishing filming for her 'California Girls' video, then heading back to her dressing room. The close-up of Perry allows her face to stand out from the dark background - making sure she is the main focus to audiences. We can the hear the sound of roots moving - coming from behind her, then leading us into the next shot as the camera pans to the left, this allows a smooth transition for viewers to follow, and ensuring that continuity editing is incorporated.
The camera finishes the pan on a close-up of Perry in a very different costume and make-up than before; she is now in dark colours, primarily purple - a stark contrast to the bright pink we previously saw. This has been done in order to fit with the mood and tone of the song. To represent her awakening, Perry opens her eyes as she begins to sing - this links to Andrew Goodwin's 'Illustration' theory.
It then cuts to a mid-shot, with the camera tracking backwards, allowing audiences to see Perry at the entrance of a door - this providing viewers with further understanding of her location. The lighting has also changed to become low-key lighting, which makes the video have a much darker and tense appearance. The video then cuts to the camera following Perry around a maze, the use of a lantern as a prop, and smoke used within the location, all of these elements help to create a mysterious atmosphere.
It then cuts to a shot of the camera tracking upwards in a mid-shot, displaying a heart-shaped wood feature, and a brightly coloured caterpillar - these being contrasts to the setting, therefore injecting a sense of beauty.
After a mid-shot of Perry singing, it then cuts back to the camera continuing to track upwards, eventually revealing the entire location. This prompts audiences to ask questions, such as: why is she there, is she looking for something, etc.
The video constantly cross-cuts between shots of Perry singing to the camera, and of Perry searching in the maze. Perry then comes across a strawberry - something significant as a strawberry was on the disc of her 'One of The Boys' CD - something of her past, which also fits in with the lyrics heard at this time. A mid-long shot then displays the walls caving in on Perry, yet she raises her arms up to portray to audiences that she's going to fight back.
As the chorus starts, the pace of editing quickens in order to fit in with the music. Fireworks then come out from her hands in a close-up, and then her chest in a long shot - a reference to her video for her song 'Firework'. Perry is constantly linking back to her past, inserting a theme of reflection into her video.
A wall of the maze then opens, revealing a young girl waiting there, and the high-key lighting then illuminates Perry's face in a close-up - this may have been done to indicate to viewers that the young girl brings hope to Perry.
After shots of Perry singing, the camera cuts to a close-up of Perry and the young girl raising their hands, almost touching. Continuity editing is established, as the camera then cuts to a two-shot with them still carrying out the action.
Audiences then watch as Perry and the girl walk down a corridor surrounded by mirrors - but only Perry has a reflection, not the little girl. This implies that Perry is reflecting on her past - which is further reinforced by the references to her previous music videos within this one. As well as the location, Perry's costume has also changed; she appears much more elegant and glamourous.
As Perry touches the mirror, it's revealed that behind the mirror are paparazzi. As the floor behind them begins to fall through, Perry smashes the mirror, but it shatters into butterflies - which are still present in the next shot as the camera cuts to a different location in a mid-shot.
The young girl is now pushing Perry in a wheelchair towards two guards in animal costumes. There's use of cross-cutting from Perry singing to the camera in a variety of shot types, to the narrative of herself and the girl. The young girl then stomps on the ground - which is in time with the music and editing; it cuts to Perry awakening, and the guards are then flung into the air.
Perry and the girl run towards the door, and then in an extreme long shot, we see Perry leave the maze, yet on this side, it's brighter, full of colour, and has high-key lighting. The use of an extreme long shots allows audiences to see the rest of the maze, and how it gradients from being dark and mysterious, to beauty and happiness.
Perry then meets her Prince, yet the young girl witnesses him cross his fingers behind his back, to which prompts Perry to punch him. The match-on-action then shows the Prince go into the wall - this proving that Perry has gained strength through her journey.
The two characters then run towards the heart-shaped hole in the wall, seeing an escape. Perry and the girl have evidently built a close relationship throughout the video, as they hug and the girl gives something to Perry before she leaves. In an extreme long shot, the young girl runs towards her bike, as Perry watches on.
As Perry looks down at her hands, we cut to a mid-shot which enables audiences to recognise that the location and costume have changed. As she opens her hands, a butterfly leaves and flies towards the camera as it tracks out. The butterfly then leaves the frame.
The butterfly then pulls the audience into the next shot: Perry on stage of her tour, beginning to sing another song.
'Wide Awake' - Katy Perry:
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