Tuesday 25 September 2012

Audience Research 1

The survey my group and I created on Google Docs about research into our chosen genre of indie-rock:

This survey created on Google Docs, asks the recipients their demographic, interests, and what they expect to see from an indie-rock video, CD cover, and album advertisement. 

As our group sent it to people in our year group, we expect the gender demographic to be varied, while the age demographic is predicted to be between 17-19, with a few being 24+, due to sending it to teachers, in order to see their opinions from a different age range. We hope that recipients will describe in detail their expectations of a music video, CD cover, and advertisement, as this will help us when it comes to analysis of the research, and also when making our music video. Their replies will inform us of what people want from this genre, enabling us to include this in our video, so that it is conventional and appropriate for the genre.

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