Thursday 17 January 2013

Peer Assessment: Music Video

Above is the assessment sheet completed by one of my peers based on my music video. 

The www's include:

  • The editing of the shots works well with the music.
  • The setting of the music video is individual.
  • The use of graphic-matches.

The ebi's include:
  • Include a change in location.
  • Include more interesting close-up shots.
  • More of an enthusiastic performance from the actors.
  • To sharpen the editing.

From this peer assessment, my group have achieved a B grade. To improve this, we need to include our concept in the music video - which will be set in a different location, therefore corresponding to one of our ebi's. As well as this, during re-shoots we can film more interesting and exciting shots, therefore ensuring that both the performance and shot types are improved. 

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